Reporter Alan Prendergast, a staff writer for Westword since 1995, teaches journalism at Colorado College. His stories have won numerous awards and appeared in a wide range of magazines and anthologies. On July 5, Westword published this multi-media article, in which Prendergast shines his investigative curiosity on the “neuro-laser” developed by Drs. Larry Morries and Theodore Henderson.
If you, or a loved one, struggles with a complex condition or multiple diagnoses, contact one of the Doctors at Neuro-Laser foundation to schedule a time to get together and perhaps examine the organ responsible for the behaviors. Then the Drs can decide if the neuro-laser, or another modality or treatment, would be a good fit for you. You can reach us at (720) 493-1101, or (303) 789-2246, or email us at